The faults of Valencia turn into a mirror that it(he,she) deforms and caricaturiza our own(proper) existence.The faults are authentic monuments formed by one or two gigantic figures surrounded by groups of smaller figures, "ninots". The principal faults manage to reach twenty meters of height, which turn into the backbone of the monument and represent the topic of the fault, which makes clear in the scenes or groups of "ninots" that they surround them.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
What sound the faults?
The faults of Valencia turn into a mirror that it(he,she) deforms and caricaturiza our own(proper) existence.The faults are authentic monuments formed by one or two gigantic figures surrounded by groups of smaller figures, "ninots". The principal faults manage to reach twenty meters of height, which turn into the backbone of the monument and represent the topic of the fault, which makes clear in the scenes or groups of "ninots" that they surround them.
About 375 fault big and infantile some others raise in the city. For four days and four nights there remain planted on numerous streets and squares(seats) immense monuments of carton, jeer plastic and scandalous, dropped with so much(many) art as naturalness. This one is the way of receiving the spring beginning, with explosion and fire (that is what means the word it(he,she) fails). Last day, March 19, day of San Jose, they burn them in impressive bonfires, reminiscence of an ancient rite; the city burns for his(her,your) four sides.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Saint Valentine!!
Hello my love! On this so special day I want to say to you everything what I you want, you are the man who gives me the desires of living, my life without you does not make any sense, never leave me, you it are quite for my and if I lose my heart it would stop of latir, for it you would leave everything, since you offered me your first kiss I am still equal of madly in love with you, all my happiness is thanks to you, every night when I stop speaking with you for telephone I want to be sleepy in that we go out the two, every day you are more perfect, the day through that we live united we will happen hours abrazados in the bed. I have so many things for doing and for sharing with you that I do not know where to begin, but since we have all the time of the world to be united I do not worry.
I want and do not think to spend my life to you without you.
The greenhouse effect!!!
Is produced both in a natural way and of an artificial way (principally for the industrialization) due to the increase of the gases greenhouses in the atmosphere.
In 1974 the scientists (American) Frank Rowland and (Mexican) Mario Molina - both winners of the prize Nobel prize of Chemistry in 1995 - discovered the reduction of the thickness in the cap of ozone, principal person in charge in avoiding the penetration of the solar radiation the terrestrial surface. Nowadays the production of the gases that provoke the Greenhouse effect (gases of greenhouse) It has increased due to the human interveción. These gases (principally the dioxide of carbon - CO2) take charge absorbing and retaining part(report) of the energy expressed(emitted) by the Sun, preventing that the days are too warm or the too cold nights; the increase in the emission(issue) of these gases provokes big changes in the climate worldwide (making it increasingly unpredictable), suffering alterations in the regional temperatures, in the rate of rain, in the agriculture, increase in the desertificacióy the release of the polar caps, raising the level of the sea and causing floods in the coastal and continental zones in the whole world.
Is produced both in a natural way and of an artificial way (principally for the industrialization) due to the increase of the gases greenhouses in the atmosphere.
In 1974 the scientists (American) Frank Rowland and (Mexican) Mario Molina - both winners of the prize Nobel prize of Chemistry in 1995 - discovered the reduction of the thickness in the cap of ozone, principal person in charge in avoiding the penetration of the solar radiation the terrestrial surface. Nowadays the production of the gases that provoke the Greenhouse effect (gases of greenhouse) It has increased due to the human interveción. These gases (principally the dioxide of carbon - CO2) take charge absorbing and retaining part(report) of the energy expressed(emitted) by the Sun, preventing that the days are too warm or the too cold nights; the increase in the emission(issue) of these gases provokes big changes in the climate worldwide (making it increasingly unpredictable), suffering alterations in the regional temperatures, in the rate of rain, in the agriculture, increase in the desertificacióy the release of the polar caps, raising the level of the sea and causing floods in the coastal and continental zones in the whole world.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
O.V Project
In this work they send us to be going to the cinema to see a movie in original version, later we have to do a presentation of powe point with the argument of the movie, description of the prominent figures ... but important mas of this year it is the author's copyright, since they have presented us to a contest in the CEDRO. We do it 3ºESO and 4ºESO united and the group that wins is given by them to him the portable one for each of the members of the group.
The Christmas in africa
The families gather in crowds. They come from the peoples of the interior to see his relatives of the city, who it receives them in his houses. Each one brings what can, handles, pineapples, eggs, a chicken, a goat, because they know that the food in the city is expensive. And itis never absent. The doors of the houses are made opened. Not only to the relatives also the neighbors enter and go, distribute drunk when it is, distribute eaten when it is prepared. In Africa there are neither small casseroles nor individual tables.
The Christmas in Spain shares traditions with the rest of the countries where the catholic religion is practised. Since(as,like) in other parts of the world, the families join to share and to enjoy the happiness of this celebration. In any case, the idea is to meet to share with happiness, good will, and friendship Jesus' birth. The adornments and elements used to take part in these holidays(parties) are similar in Europe and America, the food, the drink, the music, the dance, and the costunbre of giving or sharing what we have with the others. But, also the Spanish Christmas is the only celebration, with traditions and different customs that reflect the real character of Spain.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
[=)* =>*MoZaMbIqUe*<=*(=]
Maputo capital Surface 783,080 km2 Population 19.792.000 Name of the State Republic of Mozambique Metical currency Languages Portuguese, makwa-lomwe, shona, layer, chichewa,… Density hah/km2. The territory became supplier of manual labor for the South African gold mines, to which it emigrated around a million mozambiqueños every year; and their ports were to the service of the foreign trade of South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).
[-->* PeRsOnAl OpInIoN*<--]
the project of letters this very well, I like to know people new other countries and to learn on his customs and their life
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The importance of having blog
To do blog is not no science. Studies are needed, neither criterion, nor talent, nor nothing that is looked remotely - like the good pleasure. Hardly clicking in a pair of bellboys, any son of neighbor can have his place within the virtual freeway. Means journalists important celebrated the news saying boludeces like: Internet has been democratizado! Together we can construct a world where the freedom of expression is current currency! Unfortunately, when freedom offers us, we understand it like libertinism. And instead of using the tools that make our available for benefit of an eager community of growth, it debates and culture, we falsified it in such a way that it is transformed into a tool to accentuate the mediocrity. And when a place fills of mediocre, or one amasses - as they want decirlo-, those that have something important that to say, they shut up it or they say it in another side
The importance of speaking the English
The education of the English in the Spanish scholastic centers has improved much in the last 10 years, assure native teachers, filólogos and professors, although they warn that mainly still it is left the same to do, in that. Something that confirms the data of the Center of Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS): only 38.5% of the Spaniards of between 15 and 29 years would dare to participate in a conversation in English. This foreign language is in addition the unique one that knows more a 10% of the young people. The students of primary are called to being the first generation of Spaniards that will not have problems with the English. The inplantación of the specialistic teachers in foreign languages, the renovation of the scholastic materials, the use of new technologies that incorporate terms and contents in English and the bet generalized by the oral learning has contributed that many children begin to speak this language with naturalness.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Does some thousands of years, the Celtas was in which now we know like the Great Britain and France, and celebrated the New Year the 1 of November, that is that began at night with the subject from the 31 of October. But, incomprehensible thing, did not drink alcohol as it is now custom, but that took it with much seriousness, and their priests dedicated the night to Samhain, the horseman of the death. Great bonfires ignited; horses and, some times, until humans were sacrificed to drive away to the witches and the malignant spirits; then it is that in the Celta custom the deads returned, at night from Samhain, to request foods to the provincial scared ones to those who victims cursed and did of their spells if they did not accede to his requests (or it give me or I do a prank to you, that is the translation of “Trick or Treat”).
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Papa in valencia
The arrival to Valencia of Papa Benedicto XVI days 8 and of July in the occasion of the 9 V World-wide Encounter of the Families is not reason for joy and celebration for all. In fact, 14 associations of very diverse ideologies have created a platform to carry out a parallel encounter with a series of acts and pacific activities that begin Monday and will prolong during the papal visit to protest “by the excluding speech that defends the catholic hierarchy”, according to the organization.