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Monday, July 10, 2006

The Papa in valencia

The arrival to Valencia of Papa Benedicto XVI days 8 and of July in the occasion of the 9 V World-wide Encounter of the Families is not reason for joy and celebration for all. In fact, 14 associations of very diverse ideologies have created a platform to carry out a parallel encounter with a series of acts and pacific activities that begin Monday and will prolong during the papal visit to protest “by the excluding speech that defends the catholic hierarchy”, according to the organization.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Accident of meter in valencia

VALENCIA. 3 of 2006 July. Noon. A serious accident of meter caused by the excess of speed shakes the capital of the Turia. 43 people are killed. Near half hundred they are wounded. One is the worse accident never registered in Spain in this means of transport. A wagon of line 1 upsets in a section in curve located to 10 meters of the entrance of the station of Jesus, in the centric district of Patraix, and causes the derailment of the rest of the convoy. It circulated to 80 kilometers per hour, the double of the allowed thing in that place.